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Inside my mind this week.

This week I am taking a break from striving.

No pretty picture. No frills. Just here is what’s on my mind. I know sharing my authentic experiences benefits others and I am here for you all once a week at minimum, so that’s where I’m coming from. 

I am tuning into my YES and my NO in my body. I am showing up as I am. 

I am only sharing what is bringing ME pleasure. And right now that is sharing about what it’s like to live with the being that I am inside this body. I have a never ending stream of thoughts, feelings, and ideas coming in. Some of it is mine, but much of it is from what I call “the collective.” I can feel the feelings of the world around me, and it can be a lot. I feel the worries and concerns and the fears and the doubts. And when I am surrounded by amazing joy, ecstasy or ease I feel all that amplified too. I worry that I am too fat or not pretty enough not aligned with the community around. I just want to fit in. I just want to feel fulfilled. I just want to love and be loved.

I have been misunderstood since I was small, or that was my story so I strive for ultra clarity now. I feel that I offer work in the world of sexuality because I am here to be a catalyst for people’s spiritual growth. I enjoy that experience so much and I love making that difference.


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