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A two day deep dive into using your life force energy for creating the life you dream of - live in Austin TX, or Virtual option available on Zoom
November 12 & 13 11 am - 8 pm CST



Topics Covered

  • Self activation techniques

  • Self energy healing with life force

  • Self $ex Magic 

  • Honoring sacred life force elixirs

  • Red and White Ritual

  • Partnered energetic activation techniques 

  • $ex magic for healing and creation 

  • Altar creation and use



I’ve been saying it for years that our next global initiation as humans is remembering the potency and the sacredness of our €rotic life force energy. If you ask somebody in a café if they know about meditation chances are they will say yes! If you ask them if they know what about or have ever heard of $ex Magik your chances go down, but these terms are starting to become more and more prevalent on earth.  


In this two day course November 12 and 13th, we will navigate the basics for you to activate your other €rotic life force energy as a source of creative power, and to awaken remembering of ancient rituals that are used to create.


What do you want to create, that’s up to you! Money, jobs, partnership, houses, pets everything!


Men, women, all genders, as well as couples or people in other relational configurations are all welcome. However this is limited to people who have current lovers or partners as some of the practices are partnered exercises. So you will need someone to practice with outside of class. 

$ex magic is also one of the top practices for healing of all kinds- by healing we mean finding greater wholeness in our self, and the ability to cultivate power. This life force that creates plea$ure is the same thing that beats your heart, grows your hair, and heals physical illness or dis - ease. These practices are powerfully healing.

I’ve been practicing $ex magic for over five years and it truly has led me to the life I have now. This is also true for the other facilitators.
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Interested but have questions? Schedule a call with me.




Course Info



November 12 & 13


What exactly will be happening in the workshop? And how much is practical exercises vs theory? 

We will be teaching a variety of meditation, breathing, physical and energy work techniques to free up, utilize and cultivate $exual energy in the body. It is heavily majority practice, minimal theory. The teaching method will be mainly demonstration followed by a large amount of in-workshop practice time. Many will be individual techniques, and also a large portion will be focused on partnered activities that you can participate in at your own desire outside of class. (No mandatory partnering in the workshop!




  • Self activation techniques

  • Self energy healing with life force

  • Self $ex Magic 

  • Honoring sacred life force elixirs

  • Red and White Ritual

  • Partnered energetic activation techniques 

  • $ex magic for healing and creation 

  • Altar creation and use

Candle Burning Ritual

Common Questions and more Course Info



There’s no n#dity required from the workshop participants. There will be live demos by instructors that may involve n#dity and sensual touch. Participants will be well informed in advance about these so you can choose to attend or not. They are optional. 



All events and activities are consent based and participants will be informed before each activities so that you can manage what works for you and the pieces in which you want to participate!


What is meant by “healing” in the description? What if I don’t have anything to heal?

When healing is mentioned what is meant is discovering any kind of blockages in the body and or energy body of ourselves, our  partners, or third parties. This can definitely apply for all people no matter how much personal development/healing work they have done or how physically healthy the body is. It’s helpful to use these techniques and definitely connection with another is the goal!


I am wanting to release limited beliefs, shame and guilt around $exuality--Would this be covered in the workshop at all? 

Yes, 100%, this workshop is a space for $exual freedom, and we will begin the workshop addressing shame and guilt to free the group to participate as fully as possible for the rest of the weekend. Its a space to speak our shame and release all past conditioning.

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